Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Document Management System Guide Part 2

Registered user can login to the application through their user name and password. The URL can be obtained from the system administrator of Document Management System.

Customer Registration

Customers involved in the business process can be registered. This helps in generating report based on the customer identity.

Document Transaction Steps and flow diagram

1. Document Entry.
2. Document Forward.
3. Document Review.
4. Document Authorize.
5. Document Reject

Document Transaction Generation

This is the document transaction generation module. In the screen shot Document Type, Customer list and forwarder lists is auto populated from the initial setups. User can select appropriate values from the list to generate document transaction. A document may contain multiple files as shown below in the screen shot.

Some Useful Notes:

1. Document Type is user defined and parameterized document. It helps to differentiate the type of document generated. As per the configuration, a document number may contain document short string, document date and document serial number.eg AO060720100000000019.

2. “Forward To” user field is the default user the document to be forwarded to. It must not be empty. The block “User Forwarder List” contain list of users in the priority list to be forwarded one by one from left side simultaneously. If a default user, that is user in “Forward To” field do not respond within DOCUMENT TIME OUT (DOCUMENT_TIMEOUT) parameter default set to 30 minutes, then the document is revoked from “Forward To” user (admin) and auto forwarded to first user in User “Forwarded List” (surendras). If “surendars” do not respond within DOCUMENT TIME OUT, then the document is revoked from the user and auto forwarded to user “dhrubab”. During the document auto forward process, whenever any one of the user (admin, surendras, dhrubab or malikad) respond, the users in the forwarder chain are cancelled from the priority list. Then the document is processed as per the action (FORWARD, REVOKE, AUTHORIZE, REJECT) taken by the forwarder user.

3. Document No: It is system generated number to uniquely identify the document being generated. Document number generated depends upon the configuration of document type definition. A Document Number can contain multiples related files with the document. Screen shot show a Bank Guarantee document that contain citizen ship certificate and guarantee fill up form in portable document format.

4. + sign button indicates the addition of the file in the document to be generated. Clik on the + sign button to add new row to the document.

5. – sign button on each row indicates the deletion of the file from the document. Click on the –sign button to delete the current row from the document.

6. Remarks on the each document can be included in the remarks field that should be informative to the user receiving the document. Remarks are also show on document flow report.

7. The application supports files names in portable document format (PDF) for preview during document processing. Files in other formats are not available for preview but they can be downloaded to the local computer and opened as per user demand. It is suggested to process files in portable document format as the time to generate preview for portable document format is much lesser than file downloads. Avoid processing document files other than portable document format (PDF) to minimize bandwidth usage.

8. Extensions of filenames are mandatory in “File Name” field. The system returns error and file could not be transmitted if extension are avoided. For instance, if only name of file “citizen” is placed in “File Name” field, application would return error during file upload process. So, it is required to enter extension of the file with their file name that is “citizen.pdf” in “File Name” field.

9. Files must be stored in Application Home Directory default to “C:\docman”. The default Application Home Directory can be changed upon request to the administrator.

10. “Save” Button saves the files and generates a unique Document Number for transaction.

11. Email alert is sent to the default user (admin) upon Document Transaction Generation.

12. Refer to the screen shot shown below.

Screen shot of Document Transaction Entry:

Document Forward/Revoke/Authorize/Reject

The Document Authorize/Forward/Reject/Review grid shows the list of document forwarded to login user for approval. Click on the record to display the details of the document. Document file in portable document format (PDF) can be previewed while other file formats need to be downloaded to the local computer.

As per the requirement, a document can be processed for:
1. REVIEW document.
2. FORWARD for next level approval.
3. AUTHORIZE document.
4. REJECT document.

User Actions:

1. REVIEW Document
Whenever modification is required in the document, it is sent for review. User performing review can be same user that forward the document or any other user in the user list.

2. FORWARD Document
Whenever approval is sought from next authority level, then the document is forwarded to the respective user.

3. AUTHORIZE Document
Permit the document to carry on the business process.

4. REJECT Documents
Disallow to process the business activity.

A remark is mandatory while processing the document. The document recipient can track the state of the document and business process from the remarks as well. So, remarks must be precise and clear that can be taken as reference to authenticate the document. Remarks are also shown on document flow report.

Screen shot of File preview

Invalid Documents:

During document transaction processing, if file name specified in file name field does not exist in Application Home Directory, the resulting document number is marked as Invalid Document. Invalid Documents can be processed from Invalid Document menu from “Invalid Document” Grid as show in the screen shot below. Respective files can be placed in Application Home Directory and process “Upload File” button to validate the resulting document.

Email Notification and Alerts

Email Notification in the form of alerts is sent to the user that have been forwarded a document or sent for review. During AUTHORIZE and REJECT of document, email is sent to all the users involved for the document processing. This will help user to know the state of the document as well.

Background process for Auto Email Notification can be started and stopped from Email Notify menu.

User Reports

Reports are embedded in the application and rendered in Portable Document Format (pdf).

Screen shot of List of Documents

Screen shot of Document Flow Report

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Document Management System Guide Part 1

Registered user can login to the application through their user name and password.

Context Menu is loaded at the left hand side panel and log in information is shown at the right side panel. Middle panel is the working area where forms are loaded.

Usage of Refresh Button:

  1. Clear And Reload Form:

Refresh button has been placed at the top of each form. It helps to clear and reload form without visiting context menu at right hand side panel.

  1. Retrieval of Online Data:

The data grid (Manage User) is not auto loaded after modification in the existing record and after creation of new record (user) as well. For example, if new user is registered, need to press refresh button to load the new user registered (changes) in the “Manage User” grid.

Data is loaded on the grid for further processing. When user clicks on the specific record, the details are loaded on the processing block (User Register), so that it can be modified as required. The user form controls such as “Add”, “Update”, and “Delete” buttons are loaded as per role granted to the user and their access on the each working forms.

Search in Drop down List:

The drop down list can be used for searching your required data as shown in the screen below. The list searches your data on each “Enter Key”. Type your text, to search in the list and enter the “Enter Key”. The list then returns filtered or matched data to the user that can be selected.

Role Based Access Control Mechanism

Role can be created from Manage Role menu. Required forms can be selected from the list and privilege on specific controls can be permitted and revoked. Mark required controls (“Insert”, ”Update”, ”Delete”, ”Cancel”, ”Verify”) to provide access on forms and unmark those controls that are not permitted to the role. There is no need to grant access permission on each form to the users. The user belonging to the role directly has access control to the role forms.

Steps for Role Creation:
1. Enter Role Name, Description and select Authority level from list.
2. Select Add Group Authority and check mark the record to give access in the forms. Specific operation can be allowed and disallowed by marking and unmarking the operation.
3. The press “Add” button to save the Role information.

Screen shot of Role creation (First Tab View)

Screen shot of Role creation (Second Tab View)

1. Select record from the “Role Setup” data grid.
2. Make necessary changes.
3. Press “Update” button.

1. Select record from the “Role Setup” data grid.
2. Press “Delete” button.

User Creation and password management

User can be created with ease with necessary information on “User Register” block. The user belonging to the role can be selected from the Role list. The user receives access permission from the role assigned. Date can be selected from the date box. Valid email address is required. This email address is used during document Forward process.

Steps for User Creation:

1. Enter username and password.
2. Select Role, Authority from list.
3. Enter valid email address, date and employee id for the user.
4. The press “Add” button to save the user information.

1. Select record from the “Manage User” data grid.
2. Make necessary changes.
3. Press “Update” button.

1. Select record from the “Manage User” data grid.
2. Press “Delete” button.

Screen shot user creation

Define your own Document Type

DMS allows define your own document involved in the business process. New document type can be added as a part of the business process. Document number is generated based on the document type definition. The document number is parameterized and can include two digit message string, document message date and ten digit message serial numbers. Document number AO060720100000000019 represents Account Open document on 6th July 2010 with serial number 19. This document category has starting serial number set to zero.

System Parameters

System parameters define the behavior of the application.

Enable or disable email notification service in the application. The value of “Y” enables the email notification service else not.

Timeout in minutes for processing forwarded documents. If recipient do not respond to the document for DOCUMENT_TIMEOUT period, then document is marked as timeout and forwarded to next user in the priority list.

Time specified in minutes, application waits to process document in priority list.

It is the central repository for storing the processed documents.

It is used temporarily during file download process.

Maximum File Transfer Size in Bytes application can handle. The application will not entertain file size greater than MAX_FILE_TRF_SIZE parameter.

Screen shot of the system parameter is shown below: