Thursday, November 8, 2007

Creating Database Manually

Here is the sample to create the oracle 9i database manually.

1) run oradim utilily to create oracle agent service from command prompt.
eg oradim - new -sid sidname -intpwd password -maxusers no_of _users -startmode a
2) run orapwd utility to create password file in the default %ORACLE_HOME%\DATABASE folder
3) add folder named oradata and SID in %ORACLE_BASE% directory.
4) add folder named bdump, udump,cdump,pfile,create folder inside %ORACLE_HOME%\admin\SID directory
5) prepare initialisation file initSID.ora OR SPFILESID.ora IN %ORACLE_HOME%\DATABASE direcotry
6) Using Oracle Managed Files set
replace n with integer starting 1 upto 5 destinations
7) startup database in nomount stage from prompt
startup nomount
8) run the script below:

CREATE DATABASE database_name
group 1 ('%ORACLE_BASE%\oradata\SID\redo01.dbf') size 10m,
group 2 ('%ORACLE_BASE%\oradata\SID\redo02.dbf') size 10m,
group 3 ('%ORACLE_BASE%\oradata\SID\redo03.dbf') size 10m
maxlogfiles 10
maxlogmembers 3
maxloghistory 1
maxdatafiles 100
maxinstances 1
datafile '%ORACLE_BASE%\oradata\SID\system01.dbf' size 500m
undo tablespace UNDOTBS1
datafile '%ORACLE_BASE%\oradata\SID\undotbs.dbf' size 200m
autoextend on next 5120k maxsize unlimited
default temporary tablespace temp
tempfile %ORACLE_BASE%\oradata\SID\temp01.dbf' size 200m
autoextend on next 5120k maxsize 500m
character set US7ASCII
national character set AL16UTF16
set TIME_ZONE='America/New_York';


CREATE DATABASE database_name
group 1 size 10m,
group 2 size 10m,
group 3 size 10m
maxlogfiles 10
maxlogmembers 3
maxloghistory 1
maxdatafiles 100
maxinstances 1
datafile size 500m
undo tablespace UNDOTBS1
datafile size 200m
autoextend on next 5120k maxsize unlimited
default temporary tablespace temp
tempfile size 200m
autoextend on next 5120k maxsize 500m
character set US7ASCII
national character set AL16UTF16
set TIME_ZONE='America/New_York';

9) run script catalog.sql and catproc.sql as a sys user from %ORACLE_HOME\rdms\admin directory
10) run script pupbld.sql as a system user from %ORACLE_HOME\sqlplus\admin directory

This completes the database manual database creation.